
conscious behavior中文什么意思

发音:   用"conscious behavior"造句
  • 自觉行为
  • conscious:    adj. 1.有意识的,有知觉的;神志清醒的。 2.自觉 ...
  • behavior:    n. 1.行为,品行;举止,态度,举动,表现,行动。 2 ...
  • be conscious of:    意识到..
  • conscious:    adj. 1.有意识的,有知觉的;神志清醒的。 2.自觉的,自己知道的,明明知道的 (of; that); 有意的,故意的。 3.(痛苦、感情、冷气等)感觉得到的;意识到的。 4.=self-conscious. 5.有…意识的〔常用以构成复合词〕。 Man is a conscious being. 人是有意识的生物。 He became conscious. 他清醒[苏醒]了。 a hardly conscious movement 不自觉[自然而然]的动作。 be [become] conscious of 意识到。 be conscious of one's own blame 自知理亏。 be too conscious极腼腆。 the conscious simper 忸怩的强笑。 with a conscious air 故作谦虚地。 with conscious superiority 带着故作高人一等的神气。 adv. -ly
  • conscious of:    意识到,知道; 知悉
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  1. Act in civil litigation is people ' s conscious behavior in order to make the relation of litigation occur , change and exterminate
  2. Afterwards , based on the views between nature and norm , the article pointed out the harmful behavior picked in this article referred to human ’ s conscious behavior encroaching the profits in criminal , considering the
  3. The essential problem in investing model is how to evaluate and depict the conscious behavior of rational person during the process of investment . many characters of rational person are not obvious , and they can only emerge through long - term evolving process of the system
  4. The implementation cost of a system , which includes the cost of weighing , supervising , implementing etc , is often very high . only if formal rules are evolved into people ' s conscious behavior , could the implementation cost of a system be reduced and the system implemented effectively



  1. conscious activity 什么意思
  2. conscious and explicit knowledge 什么意思
  3. conscious and respirational integration 什么意思
  4. conscious attention 什么意思
  5. conscious attitude 什么意思
  6. conscious content 什么意思
  7. conscious control of the mind 什么意思
  8. conscious discipline 什么意思
  9. conscious disorder 什么意思
  10. conscious disturbance 什么意思


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